Whistleblow System


The Whistleblowing System is a vital tool for reporting any actions or activities that may be suspected of violating either the law or the Company's code of ethics to the relevant internal authorities.

PT Multikarya Asia Pasifik Raya (MKAPR) has been utilizing the Whistleblowing System (WBS) Guidelines since the year 2022 as one of the measures to prevent any deviations from the Company's code of ethics, including abuse of authority and fraud that may occur either within the Company's internal environment or external relations with stakeholders.

The Company is firmly committed to implementing Good Corporate Governance, prioritizing accountability principles, and creating a favourable business climate. The Company also aims to foster a culture of transparency and integrity to guide ethical conduct and good behaviour.

The Company understands the significance of safeguarding the identity of anyone who reports any activity suspected of violating the law or the Company's code of ethics.

Therefore, all reports made through the whistleblowing system will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality to protect the interests of all parties involved.

Note untuk kelengkapan dokumen Whistleblowing System

  1. Lampiran Pedoman / Juknis termasuk kebijakan, pengelolaan, alur pelaporan, dlsb terkait WBS di dalamnya
  2. Alamat pelaporan: suarahati@mkapr.co.id